Print Project past Practices and present platform
Class: TXD 402
Dates: 25th Oct to 7th Dec 2010
Course Facilitators : Meera Curam and Special inputs on screen printing Mr.Ashok Kumar
Weaver’s service centre
Enduring Understandings
• It is essential to work according to the design brief with
thorough research, iterations, discussions, open mindedness
about criticism and change and improve on iterations.
• It is also critical to reflect on other important issues and not
just be decorators, players of pattern and colour
Misconceptions &
• I need not research on the design brief, as I am a designer I can
just create.
• As I am creative I can come up with an inspiration which
involves my personal aesthetic and not through research
• Any “design” I create can be sold anywhere and I need be
particular about the store or boutique which sells it
• My aesthetic can fit anywhere
• There is no need for me as a “DESIGNER” to create a
prototype of the final product
Essential Questions
• How does one compile research and arrive at understanding?
• As an art and design students, can make an attempt to
understand and address important issues or are we decorators,
players of pattern and colour?
• What can we do to give this project some out of work purpose?
• What is a design brief?
• Why is it important to write a design brief and translate that in
to a story-board?
• What is the importance of putting the research/sketches/story
board/design brief and the final collection together? How does
present the work done in an organized manner?
Unit Questions
• How do I research on the given brief: where do I start and
where do I stop and how do I put together the gathered
• How can I make a difference as a designer about the 3 ‘R’s
Reduce, reuse and recycle? Can this idea be part of my project
• Can I make conscious decisions while working on a design idea
without compromising on creative inputs?
• Can I make a difference by thinking out of the box?
• How can I translate the given design brief in to a collection
along with my own creative input.
• Why does research and scribbles play an important before I
start the sketches for the final idea?
• Why is it important to submit on time?
• Why is it important to put together from scribbles, design brief
to the final collection?
• To know about the other designer’s way of working.
• 3 ‘R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
• Up-cycle
• Sketch book; log book, and ideas and sketches
• Explorations using Stencils, blocks and screens
• Final Ideas in repeat
• Online blog: every day entry of questions/answers/information.
• Written essay on the chosen theme.
• Key stages from sketch book
• Concept boards, mood boards, consumer profile boards
• The final ideas and patterns in repeat on paper with 4 color
ways for each one.
• Printed /dyed/embroidered Fabric samples
• Final collection in an interior setting.
• The students have an option of choosing the design brief for the
International Competition organized by Society of Colorists
and Dyers. The student entries will be judged by a Jury and
then sent for the competition
Be Familiar With
• Other designer’s methods of working
Mid class evaluation: Critique and discussion of the ideas and
concepts to the faculty There will three crit sessions to assess and
evaluate the progress of the student work
Research and group presentation to the class.
Process of Screen printing (test)
Reflecting on everyday work in an online blog
Final Display of work created in the class,
Professionally mounted fabrics, paper, iterations, final products in
an interior setting, log book
Perception and Conceptualization
View magazines
Source: Fay sweet
Internet directory of modern interior living
Living with decorative textiles. Nicholas Bernar
World Textiles: John Gillow and Bryan Sentence
Hamlyn book of soft furnishing.
Interior design magazines/internet resources
Dyeing and Screen Printing on Textiles by Joanna Kinnersly-
Online resources on trends and forecasting