Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mix mash to Conflation

I started working on “Mix mash” as my theme to start with. I started with writing down the opposite things that can be combined or mix matched. Some initial words were Traditional – contemporary, Old – new, Indian-western, Natural – man made etc. and took the word wild and sophisticated forward. I began by writing the words associated with wild and sophisticated. Why to treat those two contrast words as separate, so I combined them by introducing a new word, which is Hybrid. From hybrid I got the words Amalgamate, Adulterate, Dilute, Fuse, Assemble, Blend etc. I researched more on Amalgamation, where I came across amalgamated products, Automobiles, Fiction, Conflation, military unit, Expressions and history. I found the word Conflation (disambiguation) very interesting. Conflation occurs when the identities of two or more individuals, concepts or places sharing same characteristics of one another, become confused until there seems to be only a single identity. Conflation of transvestite, multiculturalism, ethnic diversity, cosmopolitan came into my mind, which basically deal with concepts like fusion, repetitive, open, simple yet complex and pluralism.

A conflation of two different identities is ambiguous until a common characteristic between same is discovered and experienced. Sophistication is associated with glamor and refinement, a sense of sophistication can be found in simple objects of yesteryear's whereas the same objects can be a subject of antiquity and rawness. A fusion of these two identities is unclear until the common characteristic of beauty is discovered, making the object timeless and sophisticated forever. This unique essence of elegance and beauty is the subject which I’m attempting to explore through patterns.

The images of structures I took were aged yet glorious. They tell the story of their journey from past to present. Derived neutrals, pastels, grayscale and warm color palettes from the images for color inspiration.

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